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A Step-by-Step Guide to Running UnRAID on a Ugreen NAS

Running UnRAID on a Ugreen NAS provides a flexible, feature-rich solution for managing your storage needs. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up UnRAID on your Ugreen NAS, from initial preparation and data backup to BIOS configuration and final setup. Unlike other operating systems, UnRAID runs directly from a USB drive, eliminating the need for an OS drive. Additionally, we provide an alternative method for installing third-party operating systems using the Ugreen NAS GUI and BIOS modifications.

Important – The UGREEN NAS Software is still in its first year of active development, following several months of Kickstarter crowdfunding. Therefore, the software is still in its early stages of development. It is a decent NAS operating system that the manufacturer assures users will see more and more AAA+ features added to it in a planned roadmap. So, I recommend taking some time with the UGOS NAS software before making a switch to a third-party OS. Additionally, UGREEN has made it clear that choosing to use a third-party NAS OS will not invalidate your hardware warranty, as long as the software does not negatively impact the hardware (e.g., overclocking the CPU to fry it, disabling fans, and harming the internal components through overheating, etc.).

What You Need:


Ensure you have all the necessary tools and components before starting the installation.

1. Backup Data:

2. Prepare the NAS:

3. Download Necessary Tools:

4. Create a Bootable USB:

5. Setup the NAS for Installation:

6. Boot and Enter BIOS:

OPTIONAL –  IF you want to keep the internal UGREEN NAS OS on the internal SSD, but do not want to risk ‘overwriting it’ or booting from it in error, you can DISABLE the SSD bay in the BIOS

7. Boot UnRAID:

8. Complete Installation:

9. Access and Configure UnRAID:

Additional Resources:

By following these steps, you should be able to run UnRAID on your Ugreen NAS efficiently.

Alternative Way to Install a Third-Party OS on a Ugreen NAS

If you want the system to boot into BIOS without having to spam the Ctl+F12 keys, you can arrange this via the UGREEN UGOS NAS software GUI. Below outlines an alternative method to install a third-party OS (e.g., UnRAID or TrueNAS) on a Ugreen NAS using both the Ugreen NAS GUI and BIOS modifications. You will still need a Keyboard/Video output, however, later on:

Initial Setup Using Ugreen NAS GUI:

Modifying UGOS and BIOS:

Installing UnRAID:

By following these steps, you should be able to run UnRAID on your Ugreen NAS efficiently.


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