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Best NAS for HDMI, Lots of Storage, Plex and Music

Choosing the Best NAS Drive for Streaming Media Locally and the Internet I would like advice on a new NAS, please I use it mainly for TV Shows and films to watch on my Samsung Smart TV. Also to store my music, (through a Soundbar perhaps), books, photos, documents etc I have seen a video […]

NAS Transcoding – Important!

NAS and Video Transcoding – Why Should you care? There are many reasons to buy a NAS drive in 2019, but for most home users, enjoying their multimedia (especially video collections) is paramount. It is a relatively simple requirement on the face of it, videos on a NAS are just another kind of file and […]

NAS that Feature HDMI 2.0 Ports in 2018

A Guide to NAS that Include a 4K HDMI 2.0 Port With so many NAS servers now arriving with HDMI ports, all promising to playback 4K, it is easy to forget that HDMI arrives in several versions and if you want true 4K HDMI output, you need to ensure you buy a NAS server that […]