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Synology DSM vs ActiveProtect – The Future of Synology?

Synology ActiveProtect and the Future of DSM Powered Backup Solutions? The introduction of Synology’s ActiveProtect platform signifies a major pivot in the company’s approach to data protection, targeting enterprise-grade backup requirements with purpose-built solutions. Available on the DP320, DP340, and flagship DP7400 models, ActiveProtect is designed to simplify and centralize backup processes for a wide […]

Synology DP320 NAS Review

Review of the New Synology DP320 Active Protect NAS – A Good Change? Quick Note for this review – As much as I want to review the DP320 separate from other Synology NAS solutions (with DSM appliances, and therefore completely different intended user), it is impossible to do this. This is because Synology Diskstation and […]

Synology DSM vs ActiveProtect – Should You Be Worried?

Synology ActiveProtect and the Future of DSM Powered Backup Solutions? The introduction of Synology’s ActiveProtect platform signifies a major pivot in the company’s approach to data protection, targeting enterprise-grade backup requirements with purpose-built solutions. Available on the DP320, DP340, and flagship DP7400 models, ActiveProtect is designed to simplify and centralize backup processes for a wide […]