What HDD is best for NAS? Yes, this is a popular question. Especially when your NAS has a different number of bays or even bays size. The basic rules for NAS-compatible drives is as follows. 1-Bay and 2-Bay NAS = You can use any drives you want. This can […]
Seagate and their new 10TB Hard Drive series get released As some of you may already be away, Seagate Technology announced the Guardian Series of 10TB hard disk drives. However now I am pleased to add that they are available to buy from nascompares.com now. They feature the Barracuda Desktop Series (yes, I know…same name […]
Do you NEED NAS Hard Drives, Really? Hard drives are not exactly new technology. They have existed in one form or another for over 20 years in the consumer market, all the time getting bigger in capacity and smaller in physical design. That should not come as a surprise to any of you. Such is […]