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A Buyers Guide to Thunderbolt RAID 5/6 Enclosures – Get It Right FIRST Time

Choosing the RIGHT Thunderbolt RAID Enclosure – First Time If you have been looking for a thunderbolt storage solution with on-board RAID functionality in 2022/2023, then chances are that you might have noticed a bit of a problem! You see, unlike older USB enclosures, thunderbolt 3/4 with on-board RAID (otherwise known as Hardware-RAID or SoC […]

40Gbe vs Thunderbolt3

40gbe ethernet vs thunderbolt3

The questions about 10GbE and 40Gbe are becoming more popular. People want to understand what does it mean and why is it so important. Most popular connection for people who need fastest data transfer speeds is Thunderbolt. As you know Thunderbolt3 theoretical is speed is around 40Gb/s. When working on video editing projects of 4K […]