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Synology DS2422+ NAS Review

Synology DS2422+ NAS Review – Go Big or Go Home? I think it would be safe to say that Synology sells quite a lot of NAS. The brand has always had a strong focus on software and providing ‘solutions’, as opposed to ‘flogging hardware’, but ultimately the outcome is that Synology continues to be the […]

Synology 2022 & 3rd Party Hard Drives – Can You Still Use Them?

Synology 2022/2023 NAS and WD & Seagate Hard Drive Compatibility If you have been considering a large-scale business or enterprise NAS solution from Synology in 2022/2023, then there is a good chance you have heard about a relatively recent change in how Synology has approached hard drive compatibility in this tier of their portfolio. This […]

Synology DS2422+ NAS – Power Consumption Tests

How Much Electricity Does A Synology DS2422+ NAS Use and How Much Does it Cost to run 24×7? Let’s talk BIG STORAGE! Have you been considering the Synology DS2422+ NAS for your business storage? Alongside having an impressive 12 bays that you can populate with HDDs upto 22TB in scale (at the time of writing), […]

Synology DS2422+ Plex Media Server NAS Tests

How Well Does the Synology DS2422+ NAS Perform as a Plex Media Server? In 2022, Synology has been slowly garnering a reputation for prioritizing business users over home/prosumer users more and although a number of their mid-range/SMB solutions have arrived with hardware pricetags that are in the budget of home users, there is no avoiding […]