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QNAP TVS-672X vs Synology DS1621xs+ NAS Drive Comparison

The Synology DS1621xs+ vs QNAP TVS-672X NAS Compared Do you remember when 10 Gigabit ethernet was the cutting-edge and at a premium price? It doesn’t seem so long ago that investing in a 10Gbe setup for home or business could cost 5 figures, even in its most modest form. Fast forward to 2021 and not […]

Best NAS for ProRes RAW Video Editing

Best NAS for Massive RAW Video Files Good afternoon, I have been a keen reader of your page, and watcher of your youtube videos so please excuse me if I should know the answer to some of these queries! I am looking at getting a QNAP or Synology NAS and connect via 10Gbe to our […]