Helping you solve your Problems with Thunderbolt for Mac and Windows Here at NASCompares, we get all manner of questions from users trying to make the most of their data storage environment. We truly believe there is no such thing as a small or silly question and encourage users to get in touch with their […]
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Good News! The New Apple MacBook Pro Supports Thunderbolt 3
Good news – Thunderbolt 3 for Mac – 40GB/s for all Thunderbolt 3 has been around for a number of months now and has been causing quite a stir. Connected via the USB Type C port type, it has been a fast luxury that is being enjoyed by Window users almost exclusively – till now! […]
Should you buy a Desktop or Rackmount NAS or DAS?
Choosing a Desktop or Rackmount NAS for your home or Business? Let’s face it – data is EVERYWHERE! It is inescapable, it is necessary and most important of all, it needs to be kept somewhere safe. With data breaches and online hacks becoming a near monthly occurrence, it is all to understandable why a person […]
Understanding USB 3.1 Gen 2 and USB Type C – Why is it so confusing?

What is USB and how did it arrive? We see them in almost every technological device we see these days from our PCs, Laptops and phones all the way through to our TV’s, our cars and modern wall sockets. Universal Series Bus, or USB, was first commercially introduced in 1998 as a means of unifying […]