Which is the best NAS for Plex Media Server? Have you ever heard of Plex? Of course you have, why else would you have come here! So, you have made the big decision and want to put all your media (Pictures, music and video alike) in a network enabled device so you can access anywhere […]
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Tag: arm plex
Plex On Qnap TS-128, TS-228, TS-328, TS-428 – Realtek RTD1296 Issue SOLVED

UPDATE 14/07/2018 A massive help and work invested by ChuckPA on Plex forums have delivered an Alpha version of a PLEX for Realtek CPU based NAS like DS118, DS218, DS218play, DS418, DS418j and Qnap TS-128, TS-228, TS-328, TS-428. Plex have promised to release an official installation file in a week or two. Meantime you can try […]
Choosing the Perfect NAS for your Plex Media Server in 2017
Setting up your first Plex Media Server NAS Have you ever heard of Plex? Of course you have! So, you have made the big decision and want to put all your media (Films, music and photos alike) in a network enabled device so you can access them from any TV, computer or phone, either at […]