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Not Getting 10GbE Speed? 20 Fixes and Solutions

20 Ways to Improve Your 10GbE Network Speeds Upgrading to 10GbE networking should, in theory, allow you to achieve 1GB/s (1000MB/s) network speeds, unlocking ultra-fast data transfers for large files, backups, and high-performance applications. However, many users find that real-world performance falls far short of these expectations. Instead of the seamless, high-speed experience they anticipated, […]

Recommended Switches to Buy in 2020

The Best Network Switches for your NAS in 2020 A network switch is a smart means to manage, control, configure and connect all of your network devices. Many people often get routers and switches confused and this is perfectly understandable. At first, second and third glance they seem near enough identical. A both that lives […]

Buyers Guide to Network Switches in 2021 – Get It Right First Time

A Beginners Guide to Buying the Right Switch for your Network There comes a point in any mildly tech-savvy users life when the limitations of their ISP router and how it manages the exchange of data between your network of devices, is just not cutting it anymore. It starts off simple, when you get the […]