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Are NAS Drives Safe?

Are NAS Drives Safe Enough to Use in 2024? Are you a NAS owner? Perhaps you are considering buying a NAS based on a recommendation from a friend, work colleague, IT professional or even myself (Robbie) on YouTube. The appeal of owning your own server, cutting the connection with your subscription cloud providers such as […]

Are NAS Drives Safe?

Are NAS Drives Safe Enough to Use in 2024? Are you a NAS owner? Perhaps you are considering buying a NAS based on a recommendation from a friend, work colleague, IT professional or even myself (Robbie) on YouTube. The appeal of owning your own server, cutting the connection with your subscription cloud providers such as […]

The Storaxa Kickstarter NAS – 12 Months Later

Storaxa NAS – What Has Happened in the First 12 Months? The Storaxa NAS Kickstarter campaign, initiated by Arrowtrack in 2023, marked its first year as a significant entry in the realm of crowdfunding projects. This article aims to methodically dissect the unfolding events and key developments of this period, maintaining a neutral and factual […]

The Storaxa Kickstarter NAS – 12 Months Later

Storaxa NAS – What Has Happened in the First 12 Months? The Storaxa NAS Kickstarter campaign, initiated by Arrowtrack in 2023, marked its first year as a significant entry in the realm of crowdfunding projects. This article aims to methodically dissect the unfolding events and key developments of this period, maintaining a neutral and factual […]

The Storaxa Kickstarter NAS – The Story So Far…

The Storaxa NAS Kickstarter – A New Kind of Solution? Note – This Article is being updated Monthly, so scroll ahead a couple of page lengths to the latest updates. Alternatively, use the chapters above to skip directly ahead. Last Update, Nov 2023. What is the Storaxa Kickstarter NAS and why is it a big […]

How to Install UnRAID on a QNAP NAS – A Step by Step Guide

How to Install UnRAID on a QNAP NAS Drive in 15mins Of all the different Network Attached Storage software that is discussed online, one the most unsung heroes of the DiY server scene is UnRAID. It was created like many software solutions—by a software engineer who was trying to solve his own problem. In the […]

Pros and Cons of UnRAID NAS OS – Should You Use It?

UnRAID NAS Software – The Advantages and Disadvantages For those unaware, UnRAID is a popular Network-Attached Storage (NAS) operating system that offers several advantages over other NAS solutions in terms of flexibility, efficiency and price. Whilst most alot of users tend to think about only choosing between turnkey NAS+Software solutions from Synology/QNAP/etc OR going DiY […]

Pros and Cons of UnRAID NAS OS

UnRAID NAS Software – The Advantages and Disadvantages For those unaware, UnRAID is a popular Network-Attached Storage (NAS) operating system that offers several advantages over other NAS solutions in terms of flexibility, efficiency and price. Whilst most alot of users tend to think about only choosing between turnkey NAS+Software solutions from Synology/QNAP/etc OR going DiY […]

UnRAID on an Asustor NAS – A Step By Step Guide

How to Install UnRAID on a Asustor NAS Drive in 15mins Of all the different Network Attached Storage software that is discussed online, one the most unsung heroes of the DiY server scene is UnRAID. It was created like many software solutions—by a software engineer who was trying to solve his own problem. In the […]

CWWK AIO-T6 6-Bay NAS Review – Bang for Buck?

CWWK AIO-T6 NAS Review – Cheap and Cheerful? Who doesn’t love a bargain? Arguably one of the earliest hurdles that many NAS buyers will encounter when making the jump away from 3rd party cloud to hosting their own server is the PRICE! For some users (especially those of a PC literate background who built a […]

Install UnRAID on a Terramaster NAS Drive – A Step By Step Guide

How to Install UnRAID on a Terramaster NAS Drive in 15mins Of all the different Network Attached Storage software that is discussed online, one the most unsung heroes of the DiY server scene is UnRAID. It was created like many software solutions—by a software engineer who was trying to solve his own problem. In the […]