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Are NAS Drives Safe?

Are NAS Drives Safe Enough to Use in 2024? Are you a NAS owner? Perhaps you are considering buying a NAS based on a recommendation from a friend, work colleague, IT professional or even myself (Robbie) on YouTube. The appeal of owning your own server, cutting the connection with your subscription cloud providers such as […]

Are NAS Drives Safe?

Are NAS Drives Safe Enough to Use in 2024? Are you a NAS owner? Perhaps you are considering buying a NAS based on a recommendation from a friend, work colleague, IT professional or even myself (Robbie) on YouTube. The appeal of owning your own server, cutting the connection with your subscription cloud providers such as […]

QNAP NAS Critical Vulnerability Discovered – UPDATE YOUR FIRMWARE

QNAP Improper Authentication Mechanism Vulnerability Discovered and Patched – Update NOW QNAP Systems, recently found itself at the center of another security scrutiny following the discovery of multiple vulnerabilities within its product software. Among these, a particularly critical vulnerability, designated as CVE-2024-21899, with a Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) score of 9.8, poses a significant […]

QNAP NAS Attacked By Deadbolt AGAIN – What Happened?

New Reports of Deadbolt Ransomware Attacks on QNAP NAS via Photo Station It would appear that the Deadbolt ransomware attack that has been a persistent pain for QNAP (and other NAS brands) in 2022 continues to remain current, with new reports emerging of further attacks of NAS systems in September 2022. The vulnerability that has […]

Vulnerabilities and Exploits on Synology & QNAP NAS – Stay Updated!

Be Regularly Updated on Security Concerns with Synology & QNAP NAS Recently there has been a spotlight on some NAS brands and their security and protection from attacks by hackers and online intruders. In some cases, this has been down to holes being found in the system software or system protocol over time that, if […]

Are QNAP NAS Safe?

Are QNAP NAS Drives Safe Enough to Use in 2022? Are you a QNAP NAS owner? Perhaps you are considering buying a QNAP NAS based on a recommendation from a friend, work colleague, IT professional or even myself (Robbie) on YouTube. The appeal of owning your own server, cutting the connection with your subscription cloud […]

Are QNAP NAS Safe? Are ANY NAS Drives Safe?

Are QNAP NAS Drives Safe Enough to Use in 2022? Are you a QNAP NAS owner? Perhaps you are considering buying a QNAP NAS based on a recommendation from a friend, work colleague, IT professional or even myself (Robbie) on YouTube. The appeal of owning your own server, cutting the connection with your subscription cloud […]

QNAP NAS Attacked By DeadBolt Ransomware

New QNAP Attack Emerges in the last 24hrs, the Deadbolt Ransomware UPDATED 28/01/22 – QNAP has instigated a forced-push firmware update to NAS devices to upgrade their systems to version (the 23/12/21 update), which will override systems that have their update settings set to ‘Do not automatically update’. This will almost certainly change a […]

Build My Own Open Source Linux NAS Drive

DIY Frankenstein NAS Drive Build I’ve been watching a number of videos, and a few scratched the surface for me, but don’t get at the heart of the issue. Constraint number 1: I’m a long-time Linux user, and have a very strong preference for running my own. I want to be running a vanilla unix-like […]