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Synology DS119j vs DS115j NAS

The New DS119j or the Old DS115j? Which Budget NAS deserves your data? With Network Attached Storage (NAS) being so popular these days, it is completely understandable that in order for everyone to buy one, some more affordable NAS solutions need to be developed. As much as you want a NAS that can do EVERYTHING, it […]

TerraMaster F4-220 NAS Review

Can the Cost Effective TerraMaster F4-220 NAS compete with Synology and QNAP? When I was first asked to review the Terramaster F4-220 I’ll be honest I was a little bit underwhelmed. The thing with NAS technology is that it has come forward so much these last five years and after reviewing big-boy NAS from brands […]

TerraMaster TOS 3.1 NAS Software Review

TerraMaster TOS 3.1 NAS Software Review

Terramaster and the TOS 3.1 NAS Software Review When buying your first NAS it is easy to spend too much time looking at hardware. Until recently, network attached storage (NAS) was an item that only the more techie and IT knowledgeable would invest in. Now, of course, NAS and Cloud storage is very accessible indeed […]

QNAP TS-228A NAS Review

Is the New Cost-Effective QNAP TS-228A worth your time? What the TS-228A can do: 4K Playback DLNA Support Apple TIme Machine Support Surveillance including 4 camera licences and supporting 16 cameras at once iTunes Server Snapshot Support (previously the memory requirement was 4GB, but now reduced to 1GB) email server Download server (FTP, HTTP, BT,NZB) […]

Synology DS218J NAS Review

The latest Budget NAS has been released by Synology – Say hello to the DS218j What the Synology DS218J can do (PROS): Home and Student Storage DLNA Support Plex Media Server Support Apple Time Machine Support Surveillance including multiple camera licences iTunes Server Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR) Support Download server (FTP, HTTP, BT,NZB) CMS and […]