DS1618+ vs DS918+ NAS – Which Synology Should you buy? If you are thinking about buying a Synology NAS in 2018 and want to leverage your available storage against a robust RAID solution, then chances are you have heard about the Synology DS918+ 4-Bay NAS and the DS1618+ 6-Bay NAS. Arriving with impressive internal and […]
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Tag: DS918+
Synology Versus Drobo – DS918+ or 5N2 – Best NAS for Mac Users
Should you buy the 4-Bay Synology DS918+ or the 5-Bay Drobo 5N2? Buying your first NAS for home or business can be a little bit intimidating. You know you need a reliable backup solution for all your photos, movies and music (the stuff you bought and the memories you have created that are priceless) but […]
Synology Chat – Better than Skype?
Synology Chat, An Alternative to Skype Synology Chat reduces the time users spend on composing emails and optimizes companies’ internal communications. Chat is a messaging service that runs on Synology NAS and transforms the way you collaborate with colleagues. Change the way your chat and collaborate with your files, without the need/security concerns of public clouds […]
Synology Moments – Better than Google Photos?

Synology Moments, An Alternative to Google Photos Gather all your photos and videos in one private place and organize them in an entirely new way. Synology Moments opens a new era for photo storage, allowing random photos to be automatically sorted by an image-recognizing technique that can identify the people, subjects, and places in the photos. Retain your extraordinary moments […]
Synology Active Backup for Server
Synology and the Single Access Tool – Active Backup for Server Active Backup for Server simplifies setup and reduces management cost for organizations, allowing all backup jobs in the network to be monitored from a single entry point, without having to switch between multiple backup software and interface. Simple deployment and transparent management with the agentless […]
Synology Calendar – Better than Google Calendar?
Synology Calendar, the Alternative to Google Calendar Calendar, running on Synology NAS, can ensure sensitive corporate information remains safely stored on company premises and allow users to share calendars and schedule meetings easily, letting you stay on track throughout the day. Calendar helps you scan through all the tasks that need to be done for […]
Synology Drive – Better than Google Drive and DropBox?
Synology Drive – The Alternative to Google Drive and Dropbox Synology Drive unifies multiple file portals on Synology NAS and greatly simplifies data management by synchronizing files across various platforms. To fulfill your need for office collaboration, Drive also provides seamless sharing features to ensure that you do not lose important files. One portal for all files – Much like G Drive and Dropbox Access files via Synology Drive […]
The Synology DS418 Diskstation – Another Desktop NAS revealed for 2017/18
The Brand new DS418 4-Bay Synology NAS for Business and Multimedia It has taken over two-thirds of a year, but finally we are starting to see some hot new releases from Synology in their Diskstation Desktop NAS server range. Earlier this week we saw details emerge of the DS218+, the latest addition to their flagship […]
The Synology DS418J NAS versus the Synology DS416J NAS – 4 Bay Budget Comparison
The Synology DS418J NAS versus the Synology DS416J NAS – Choosing the right cost-effective NAS With so many Synology NAS devices available, it is all too easy to get a little lost amongst the different units. Often newer is not necessarily better and all too often it is the case that a brand new release from […]
DS218+ NAS Transcode 4K and 1080p Performance Test featuring H.264 and H.265
Transcoding 4K Media on the DS218+ NAS Server? Transcoding on a NAS such as the DS218+ device is the ability for a multimedia file to be changed from it’s existing format or codec to one that is better suited to the destination device. In this file access, the DS218+ NAS is the host device and the […]
The Brand New Synology DS218+ Diskstation NAS has been Uncovered
The Synology DS218+ Diskstation 2-Bay NAS has been revealed for 2018 It has taken a while but things have begun to hot up with the guys at Synology and their popular Diskstation series for home and SMB. For the bulk of 2017 so far, we have seen a large number of Enterprise units be revealed and […]
The Synology DS918+ 4-Bay Diskstation NAS Server – Specs And Details Revealed
The Synology DS918+ 4-Bay NAS Official Specifications – The wait is almost over Originally uncovered as far back as April 2017, the Synology DS918+ was always going to be a real game changer for the big name in network attached storage. This was far from their first 4-Bay NAS server and will almost certainly not be their […]
The Synology DS218+ 2-Bay Diskstation NAS Server – Specs And Details Revealed
What are the Specs of the Synology DS218+ 2-Bay NAS Server? The first question on everyone’s lips of course is the Specifications of the Synology DS218+ NAS. Much like the release of the DS216+ back in late 2015, the CPU and Memory, though not too modest, are comparable to the flagship 2-Bay – only in Dual […]
Setting Up Your Synology DS918+ DiskStation In Minutes – Hardware Installation Guide
How to set up your Synology DS918+ NAS for the first time Well done on purchasing this Synology DS918+ NAS! If this is the first Synology NAS that you have every purchased, then it may seem a little intimidating to set up. Do not fear, it is actually rather simple and with this handy guide you […]
The Synology DS718+ 2-Bay Power NAS for 2017/18 – Specs and Information released
FINALLY – Synology look like they may release the DS718+ NAS soon The New Synology DiskStation DS718+ NAS features a quad-core processor with AES-NI hardware encryption engine, providing outstanding performance and data encryption acceleration along with real-time transcoding of 4K content. DS718+ is ideal for protecting critical assets, and sharing files across different platforms. Synology […]