The New DS119j or the Old DS118? Which Budget NAS deserves your data? With Network Attached Storage (NAS) being so popular these days, it is completely understandable that in order for everyone to buy one, some more affordable NAS solutions need to be developed. As much as you want a NAS that can do EVERYTHING, it […]
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Tag: DSM
Synology NAS and Everything you can do – Part 6
The Synology Mobile Apps for iOS, Android and Windows Mobile Explained As Internet access grows popular on mobile devices, Synology provides you with several creative alternatives to communicate with your Synology NAS using iOS/Android, Windows Phone, or other mobile devices. Manage DSM Settings with DSM mobile. The Synology Mobile Applications for Android, iOS and Windows […]
Synology NAS and Everything you can do – Part 4
All the ways to Access the files on your Synology NAS When you have set up users or groups with proper access privileges to the shared folders, they can share their files with your Synology NAS from anywhere. This chapter explains the ways to access the Synology NAS shared folders within the local network or […]
Synology NAS and Everything you can do – Part 3
How to Accessing your Synology NAS Anywhere You can connect to your Synology NAS over the Internet, allowing its services to be accessible from anywhere and anytime. This part of the NASCompares Synology guide explains the basics regarding using the Synology EZ-Internet wizard, advanced port forwarding functions, and DDNS hostname registration to connect your Synology […]
Synology NAS and Everything you can do – Part 2
Perfect Setup for your Storage Space, Volumes and RAID Before taking advantage of the various features of your Synology NAS, you need to set up at least one storage space. This chapter explains how Storage Manager can help you manage different types of RAID and non-RAID storage spaces such as storage pools and volumes, as […]
Synology NAS and Everything you can do – Part 5
Best Ways to Backup over the Network on your Synology NAS Synology offers comprehensive backup solutions for your computer and Synology NAS, allowing you to back up data on your computer to Synology NAS. If you are a user belonging to the administrator’s group, you can also back up the Synology NAS data with local […]
Synology NAS and Everything you can do – Part 1
Things you can do with a Synology NAS and DSM 6.2 Congratulations on your purchase of Synology NAS. Synology NAS is a multi-functional Network-Attached Storage server, serving as a file-sharing center within your Intranet. Moreover, it is specially designed for a variety of purposes, allowing you to perform the following tasks with the web-based Synology […]
Synology DS119j vs DS115j NAS
The New DS119j or the Old DS115j? Which Budget NAS deserves your data? With Network Attached Storage (NAS) being so popular these days, it is completely understandable that in order for everyone to buy one, some more affordable NAS solutions need to be developed. As much as you want a NAS that can do EVERYTHING, it […]
Synology DS119j vs Synology DS115j – Is New Better?
The New DS119j or the Old DS115j? Which Budget NAS deserves your data? With Network Attached Storage (NAS) being so popular these days, it is completely understandable that in order for everyone to buy one, some more affordable NAS solutions need to be developed. As much as you want a NAS that can do EVERYTHING, it […]
Unboxing the Synology DS119j 1-Bay NAS
Is the New Budget Synology DS119j NAS enough for you? With the release of the new DS119j NAS, when it comes to buying your first network attached storage device there are several reasons why the Synology range appeals to many. With a diverse range of hardware and storage options across a wide series of uses, […]
Synology DS119j NAS – Specifications and DataSheets
Synology DS119j 1-Bay NAS – Specs and Details Synology DiskStation DS119j is a budget-friendly, versatile and easy-to-use 1-bay NAS with the capability to host, share and protect data for personal users. DS119j offers a variety of packages in its DSM Package Center, allowing beginners to explore the infinite possibilities of Synology NAS. Synology DS119j is […]
Brand New DS119J 1-Bay NAS Revealed for later in 2018
Brand New DS119J 1-Bay NAS announced for later in 2018 Of all the many things that were shown at the Synology Solution Exhibition in Hannover, Germany, one little sneaky mention that was made was another release for later in the year (we can only assume Q3 as always). As we expected from the previous release […]
Should you buy the DS218J or DS216J Synology NAS
Which Budget NAS deserves your data? The DS218J or the DS216J? With Network Attached Storage (NAS) being so popular these days, it is completely understandable that in order for everyone to buy one, some more affordable NAS solutions need to be developed. As much as you want a NAS that can do EVERYTHING, it can […]
Should you buy the DS218play or the DS216play Synology NAS in 2017/2018
Choosing which Synology NAS to buy – DS218play or DS216play? A recent poll on NASCompares was made to ask NAS users, new and old, what was the intended reason they purchased a network attached storage device. With over 1000 opinions provided, over 74% purchased there NAS because they primarily wanted to use the NAS as […]
Synology Chat – Better than Skype?
Synology Chat, An Alternative to Skype Synology Chat reduces the time users spend on composing emails and optimizes companies’ internal communications. Chat is a messaging service that runs on Synology NAS and transforms the way you collaborate with colleagues. Change the way your chat and collaborate with your files, without the need/security concerns of public clouds […]
Synology Moments – Better than Google Photos?

Synology Moments, An Alternative to Google Photos Gather all your photos and videos in one private place and organize them in an entirely new way. Synology Moments opens a new era for photo storage, allowing random photos to be automatically sorted by an image-recognizing technique that can identify the people, subjects, and places in the photos. Retain your extraordinary moments […]
Synology Calendar – Better than Google Calendar?
Synology Calendar, the Alternative to Google Calendar Calendar, running on Synology NAS, can ensure sensitive corporate information remains safely stored on company premises and allow users to share calendars and schedule meetings easily, letting you stay on track throughout the day. Calendar helps you scan through all the tasks that need to be done for […]
Synology Drive – Better than Google Drive and DropBox?
Synology Drive – The Alternative to Google Drive and Dropbox Synology Drive unifies multiple file portals on Synology NAS and greatly simplifies data management by synchronizing files across various platforms. To fulfill your need for office collaboration, Drive also provides seamless sharing features to ensure that you do not lose important files. One portal for all files – Much like G Drive and Dropbox Access files via Synology Drive […]