NAS vs the Cloud – Should you choose between them or go for both? We, as a species, produce so much data! There is no sugar-coating it, we are producing as many megabytes and gigabytes as we are popping out babies. All those bits and bytes have to go somewhere. How much data do you think […]
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Tag: Thecus NAS
NAS Frequently Asked Questions – SOLVED
Frequently Asked Questions about NAS Network Attached Storage, or NAS, has been around for quite a few years now and has grown in popularity year on year. The appeal of cloud platforms such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3 and iCloud has dwindled and decreased as overall costs after even a couple of years are […]
Top NAS Brands of 2016 – Knowing your Netgear NAS from your Synology Solution

So much NAS, so little time… So you have decided to make the jump to Network Attached Storage! Good for you! It’s about time. However with so many manufacturers out there and everyone and his brother producing NAS devices, it is easy to get lost… Can’t see the wood for the trees, etc. Never fear! […]
Keep it in the clouds – Choosing Network Attached Storage. Small, Medium and Large Solutions
Keep it in the clouds – Choosing Network Attached Storage As reliable and steadfast as local Backup can be, it is not the only way. Realistically you should always have two backups in place (this does not include any on your Mac or PC). But you should always think outside the box and this is where […]
The Best NAS of 2016 – The Top 10 Network Attached Storage Devices this year
What are the Top 10 NAS devices of 2016? We at NASCompares are keen on NAS. That cannot be much of a surprise. We have seen it all this fruitful year of 2016. Thunderbolt 3 on Mac, USB 3.1 Gen 2 becoming mainstream, 4K becoming more and more popular, the insanely fast Samsung 960 SSD […]
Plex Media Server and NAS – Frequently Asked Questions about Data Storage
Helping you solve your Problems with a NAS Plex Media Server Here at NASCompares, we get all manner of questions from users trying to make the most of their data storage environment. We truly believe there is no such thing as a small or silly question and encourage users to get in touch with their […]
Thecus Release the Flash Rackmount NAS Lightning PRO SC180 and LightningPRO SE300
Thecus Technology Corp launched their new line of All-Flash Array Storage. Thecus’ LightningPRO It will deliver top-tier productivity, being optimized to handle business-critical applications for large enterprises. With mainstream 10GbE connectivity, over 700K IOPS and data protection features, businesses can now be equipped with these highly proficient performance storage devices. “Thecus has taken a bold […]
Choosing the Right NAS brand for you – Synology, QNAP, Drobo, Thecus, Netgear and Asustor
A guide to helping you pick the right NAS manufacturer for your needs Network Attached Storage (NAS) servers are fast becoming an essential piece of kit on the home. Everyone wants to have their own special piece of cloud storage, be it 3rd party cloud providers like Google Drive, Amazon S3 or DropBox, or their […]
What is the difference between NAS, DAS and SAN? Which one do I need?
What is the difference between NAS, DAS and SAN? Which one is for who? Data storage is a pretty day-to-day thing now. Almost every form of data exchange you make on a daily basis can be broken down into three groups: DAS – Direct attached storage NAS – Network Attached Storage SAN – Storage Area […]
Best NAS for KODI in 2018 – Asustor, Thecus and QNAP
What is the best NAS for Kodi 2018 If you are buying a NAS in 2018 for KODI, there is good news and bad news. Kodi on a network attached storage device used to be so so simple. As little as two years ago having both Plex and Kodi on your NAS was very common […]
Countdown to CeBit 2018
NAS news in 24hours! For those that are not aware, CeBit 2018 in Germany kicks off tomorrow and things are very much buzzing here in the jolly city of Hannover. After arriving here I have had a chance to talk to a number of the brands informally regarding what’s new and exciting in the world […]
CeBit 2018 Day 1 – What will you see there this Week?
Who and What was at CeBit 2018 on Day 1? With Day 1 of CeBit rapidly drawing to a close, it is worth taking a moment to tell those who are attending this event from the public days tomorrow, exactly what the data brands have in store for you for the rest of the week. […]
Can you Populate a Synology 4-Bay NAS with 1 or 2 Disks?
Populating a 4-Bay NAS with a single Hard drive Hi, I’m thinking about getting 4 bay DS418. I also want to get 4tb and higher disks but because of the price, I was wondering if I can just start with only 2 disks and add more disks later? Which brand nas disk do you recommend? […]
Computex 2018 and Cebit 2018 – Synology, QNAP, Asustor and more
What to Expect from Synology, QNAP, Asustor and more at Computex and CeBit 2018 It is fast approaching that time of year when the NAS industry (and indeed the whole technology industry as a whole) start getting excited about two of the biggest IT release events of the year. Over the last few years, Computex in […]
What is the Difference Between Windows Storage server 2016 and 2012?
Why is Windows Storage Server 2016 and NAS such a big deal? Windows Storage Server 2016 is an operating system, like many windows based platforms, is installed on a file server, based ideally on a group of Windows users. Especially in an environment where Active Directory is installed, it has a high utility for servers and […]
The Difference Between Windows Server and a Windows Storage Server 2016 on NAS
What is Windows Storage Server 2016 and why is it better than Windows Server? Windows Storage Server 2016 is a storage software component which utilizes the Windows Server 2016 Operating system and is specifically optimized for use with a Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices. At a glance, it is a near identical release of the […]
The Synology DS216+ Versus The Thecus N2810 4K NAS Faceoff Brand VS Brand
Synology Vs Thecus – NAS Brand versus NAS Brand I think it is a farly safe bet that when it comes to buying your first NAS that recommendations from all sides (friends, colleagues and that old favourite Google) pointed you in the direction of these two front runners, Synology NAS and QNAP NAS to supply […]
What is to be unveiled by Thecus NAS at CeBit 2017- Featuring the Thecus N2820, N2350 and N4910U Rackmount
Thecus NAS at CeBit 2017, here is what we know Next up in our ongoing look at the big brands that are showcasing their wares at CeBit 2017, I want to talk about Thecus NAS. Thecus is a company that is all too often overlooked due to their not being the dominant force they once […]
Which NAS to buy for Plex – The Full Compatibility List for Synology, QNAP, Asustor, Netgear, WD and more
What is the best NAS for a 1080p Plex Media Server? Choosing the right Network Attached Storage device for your perfect Plex Media Server can be a rather intimidating and daunting process. Over the years the NAS Server market has exploded with numerous devices becoming available to home, small business and enterprise users and with […]