Considering buying a WD EX2 My Cloud? Why not learn more about the software with our guide My Cloud OS 3 gives you anytime access to your stored content at home. New features, improved functionality and simple interface design deliver easy file sharing, access management and a streamlined photo gallery view on any iOS, Android, PC […]
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Tag: Which NAS
Synology or QNAP NAS – Which to Buy in 2019/2020?
Things to consider when you buy a Synology or QNAP NAS When you buy your first network attached storage device, it can be an incredibly daunting task. If you have a less technical background, or heard about NAS servers from Synology or QNAP, but are still not quite certain what a NAS is or what to […]
A Guide to buying your first NAS
A Guide to buying a NAS Buying your first Network Attached Storage (NAS) device can be quite a daunting task. There are so many different manufacturers and models that it can all get a bit confusing. Choosing the right NAS device is something that without a deeper understanding of the different uses of NAS can […]
The QNAP TS253A Versus The QNAP TS-251+ – Which one deserves your data?
The QNAP NAS Comparison of Power vs Ability Hardly a race of the tortoise against the hare, these two NAS servers released by QNAP NAS in the closing stages of 2015 both make their target audience abundantly clear. Though both in a similar price bracket and with barely £30 pounds between them, it can become […]
Top NAS Brands of 2016 – Knowing your Netgear NAS from your Synology Solution

So much NAS, so little time… So you have decided to make the jump to Network Attached Storage! Good for you! It’s about time. However with so many manufacturers out there and everyone and his brother producing NAS devices, it is easy to get lost… Can’t see the wood for the trees, etc. Never fear! […]
Should you Buy WD Red Pro Drives or Ordinary WD Red NAS drives?
What is the difference between WD Red and WD Red Pro? Arguably the most popular NAS Hard drive in the market today, with Seagate and HGST NAS drives fighting for second place, many users new and old to Network Attached Storage are finding themselves in the enviable position of choosing between Western Digital Red NAS […]
The Synology DS116 NAS has been released and comes as quite a surprise
Why would someone buy a 1-Bay Synology NAS? Those who are interested in keeping their NAS solution in budget and things like RAID are less important will really see the benefits of the Synology DS116. With hardware that is almost double that of a cost effective 2-Bay NAS servers like the Synology DS216J and the […]
The Synology DS916+ versus The Synology DS716+II – Two Bay NAS compared with the 4-Bay NAS
Choosing the right Synology NAS to buy Deciding which NAS to buy can be quite a daunting task. Whether it is your first NAS, an upgrade to an existing Network Attached Storage setup or even as a gift for a family member (an occurrence that is strangely more common than you might think) you will […]
Synology VS QNAP–Which is the best NAS for you?
Should I buy a Synology or QNAP NAS? Possibly the most common question I am asked when it comes to NAS. Like the ancient battles of Windows Vs Mac, Nintendo Vs Sega and Coke Vs Pepsi, both brands have their die hard fan base that will happily argue long in to the night! But unlike […]
The Synology DS216J versus The QNAP TS-231 – Budget NAS Face off, New vs Old
The Battle of the Budget NAS from Synology and QNAP When it comes to buying Network Attached Storage, some people just want a tiny NAS that works! For a long time now the big NAS Brands, Synology and QNAP have been releasing that the current market thinks of as the biggest NAS, the Best NAS […]
The Synology DS216J verus the WD My Cloud EX2 Ultra NAS – Brand vs Brand NAS Comparison
Synology vs Western Digital NAS – Which NAS deserves your Data? The DS216J unlike the WDBVBZ0040JCH-EESN is made by Synology. People often choose Synology because of user friendly interface as well as being suited for Mac and Windows based environments. It is relatively easy to set up and use, and those who are new to […]
The Synology DS416PLAY versus The Synology DS415PLAY – PLAY Series NAS Comparison
PLAY vs PLAY – Comparing the Synology Media NAS. Which deserves your data General Performance of the Synology PLAY NAS Series The DS416play same as the DS415play is made by Synology. People often choose Synology because of user friendly interface as well as being suited for Mac and Windows based environments. It is relatively easy […]
The Synology DS916+ versus The QNAP TS-453A – The 4-Bay NAS Brand Comparison
From Plex, VMware and 4K to Apps and NAS support – which NAS should you choose? The DS916+ (8GB) unlike the TS-453A-8G is made by Synology. People often choose Synology because of user friendly interface as well as being suited for Mac and Windows based environments. It is relatively easy to set up and use, […]
The QNAP TS-251A 2-Bay USB 3.0 DAS and NAS Walkthrough and Talkthrough with SPAN
NAS and DAS combine in the QNAP TS-251A – here is what Robbie thinks of the New QNAP NAS 14nm Intel® Celeron® N3060 dual-core 1.6GHz processor, up to 2.48GHz (same as DS216+II) 2 or 4GB RAM (maximum of 8GB across two slots) Kinda the key selling point for many people is – USB Direct Access. […]
The Synology DS116 1-Bay NAS Unboxing, Walkthrough and talkthrough
What is the power of the Synology DS116 NAS The DS116 same as the DS115 is made by Synology. People often choose Synology because of user friendly interface as well as being suited for Mac and Windows based environments. It is relatively easy to set up and use, and those who are new to Network […]
The Synology DS916+ versus The Synology DS415+ NAS – The Synology Old v New Comparison
Is the Newer Synology DS916+ better than the Older DS415+ The DS415+ same as the DS916+ (2GB) is made by Synology. People often choose Synology because of user friendly interface as well as being suited for Mac and Windows based environments. It is relatively easy to set up and use, and those who are new […]
The QNAP TS-451A 4-Bay USB 3.0 DAS and NAS Walkthrough and Talkthrough with SPAN
4 Bay NAS with DAS via USB 3? Is this new QNAP NAS too good to be true? I am sure that, like me, many of you have heard rumblings of the latest 2-Bay NAS from QNAP NAS technologies. Hot on the heals of their latest thunderbolt 2 NAS, they have announced their range of […]
How to access a NAS via USB 3.0 with the QNAP TS-251A and TS-451A
The WD My Cloud EX2 Ultra NAS vs The QNAP TS-231 NAS – Compare Brand against Brand in a NAS Faceoff
Which Budget NAS should you buy for your cost-effective Server? The WDBVBZ0000NCH-EESN unlike the TS-231, is made by Western Digital. There always other brands out there like Western Digital which are often innovative. You might not get the same user experience comparing with other better known brands. But sometimes you might not need it. Unlike […]
Keep it in the clouds – Choosing Network Attached Storage. Small, Medium and Large Solutions
Keep it in the clouds – Choosing Network Attached Storage As reliable and steadfast as local Backup can be, it is not the only way. Realistically you should always have two backups in place (this does not include any on your Mac or PC). But you should always think outside the box and this is where […]